Posts Tagged ‘Google Play’

This time it’s about Twitter.

Well i guarantee that most of us are using this social media platform through mobile . I have a figure that might catch your interest.

As you can see, these stats were officially posted by twitter which states how important is a Twitter mobile Application for people across the world, be it on Android or Ios .

So why are we talking about the mobile users then?

The Answer to this is just one word ‘Updation .’

Twitter is updating its Android and Ios apps to simplfy the process of discovering those 140 words that mean alot to this generation.

Updating!! But What’s new?

You might be aware of the search filters that you have in all your Twitter apps. Well thats what the company’s updating. It is adding new features  that will help you discover specific content with ease . After all nobody likes to waste their precious time going through a long idiotic search process.

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So let me walk you through them one by one.

  1. Toggle Option : Twitter with this update made it a lot easier to switch between all your Top Tweets and regular Tweets. This will help us to follow the most important story of the moment.  Also, We can narrow down the search to the Tweets from the people we follow. This will only show what we intend to follow ,Thus making our Twitter search alot personal.
  2. Media : Now we will be able to search and filter specific media content including photos and videos. This will help us enhance our visual search experience on Twitter.
  3. Timeline : Now, the Discover tab will contain a timeline of everything that’s trending. This will also give you an idea of the trending TV shows and nearby events .

Lets hope we get a better system that is perfectly updated to optimize our search on Twitter.

With that I will say a good bye to all of you . Stay connected to learn more about what’s new .

Thanks for reading !! Good Day 🙂