Posts Tagged ‘U2opia’

In this era of social media, where it has transformed into one of the necessity when it comes to the world of networking, one needs to stay alert and aware of the trends that are going on, worldwide. Well we have a lot of platforms that keeps us up to date with what’s going on each and every moment on this earth. One out of them is Twitter.

Twitter, that allows us to put a 140 words status aka Tweet, is often compared to text messaging that is again one of the closest and most used offline networking tool.

Yes, the focal difference between Text messaging and Twitter is the factor of internet connection. While Text messaging is enjoyed by almost everybody around the world without getting online, Twitter, on the other hand, is a online platform.

This makes it difficult for the people who own entry level mobile devices to stay up to date with the trending topics on Twitter.

Though Android and Ios has transformed the mobile industry, but out of those 230 million registered Twitter users, the number of the users with entry level devices, which of course do not have internet services, is pretty decent.


This got Twitter thinking!

So What did Twitter do?

Well Twitter announced its partnership with a Singapore based company, U2opia, which is also partnered with Facebook Inc, to bring Twitter to all those entry level devices, on which international users are not able to experience this service.

USSD, Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, is how U2opia provides this service. USSD does not supports graphics, videos, pictures, etc and so the users will only have the access to the trending topics based on their location. As to start this service, users will have to dial a simple code.

This service will kick- off in the first quarter of next year, that is 2014. Till then prepare your mind to join one of the booming social media community around the world.

Lets end this by quoting the words of the Chief Executive and Co-founder of U2opia, Sumesh Menon,

“For a lot of end users in the emerging markets, it’s going to be their first Twitter experience”

Stay Connected!!

Keep Exploring!! Take care. 🙂